Common Pests
There are over 3500 different species of mosquitoes worldwide. Not every mosquito bites humans, some bite only frogs, some only bite birds, and some even eat other mosquitoes! There are only about 62 species in the state of South Carolina. Of the species that do bite humans, several species can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, Zika, and West Nile Virus. The Upstate has a warm, humid climate with plenty of natural water sources where mosquitoes can lay their eggs. Mild winters allow some species to diapause (hibernate) over the mild cold spells and come out biting as soon as it’s warm. Call us today and get the Upstate’s top mosquito expert to keep you and your family safe from mosquito bites.
There are dozens of cockroach species in the southeastern United States, but only a few are invaders of the home and commercial spaces. The German cockroach (Blatella germanica) is by far the most difficult cockroach to eradicate. These roaches breed profusely (30-50 eggs per ootheca) and hide in the tiniest cracks and crevices. You will need professional help to rid your home of these critters. Don’t wait, delaying makes the infestation harder to stop, and may cause health issues such as allergies and trigger asthma attacks. These health effects are caused by cockroach parts, molts, and even cockroach feces.
Bed Bugs
Almost eradicated in the 1950s due to the rapid expansion of the pesticide industry and sanitation products, recent years have seen these bloodsuckers come back in force. These bugs are not associated with transmitting disease to humans, but they can infest a home quickly and become a terribly itchy issue. Finding where they hide can be tough so you need a trained professional to find all their hidden holes and use the right combination of control measures to rid your home of bed bugs.
Ticks are becoming an increasingly dangerous insect throughout the United States and especially the Southeast. Diseases spread by ticks include Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, Lyme disease and the most recently recognized alpha-gal syndrome. Lyme disease presents itself as a bullseye rash around the site of the tick bite, if you see this type of rash around an attached tick or several days after being in the woods or tall grass - Seek medical advice immediately. Alpha-gal syndrome is a newer pathology only described in the late 2000s. This condition is linked to the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) and causes the victim to become allergic to mammalian protein (red meat).
Call us to protect your yard, pests and home from tick infestations.
Fungus gnats
Drawn to organic material that is breaking down and moist, these gnats can become quite the nuisance inside the home. These insects do not bite but can transmit bacteria from surface to surface depending on their source of origin and resting sites.
Pantry pests
Pantry moths, drugstore beetles, and weevils all want the same thing, your food. Infestations can happen fast and may become difficult to handle depending on storage conditions of your food. Make sure all your food is in sealed containers and spills are cleaned up thoroughly. These insects are not associated with any disease, but their presence may indicate a moisture problem or insect entryway that has gone unnoticed. We are happy to provide assistance to help you protect your foodstuffs.
Termites are the last thing any homeowner wants to see. These insects literally evolved to eat you out of house and home. South Carolina is unfortunately home to particularly destructive termite species called the Formosan Subterranean Termite (Coptotermes formanosus) and the Eastern Subterranean Termite (Reticulitermes flavipes). Colonies of thousand or even millions of termites move underground looking for moist wood to eat. Because the Upstate is warm and humid, these termites thrive and can forage up to 300 ft away from the colony. Flying swarmers, known as alates, briefly have wings in order to find a suitable location for a new colony. Seeing alates around your home does not mean your home is infested, but it means you should call us ASAP (864)-451-2564 to protect your home today. Seeing flying termites inside the home may indicate a more serious problem and you should not hesitate to call us to help you resolve the issue.
Fleas can be a massive problem for homeowners with outdoor pets or who live near wooded areas. Fleas can easily be brought into the home and create an intensely irritating problem that may reoccur from eggs that hatch months later. Proximity to wildlife or wooded areas can provide fleas with an opportunity to invade your home, even if you don’t have a pet. Rats, mice and squirrels may cause you to have a secondary infestation of fleas.
The cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is the most common flea in the United States that feeds on cats, dogs, humans, and other mammals.
Historically, Oriental rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopsis) was thought to be the primary vector of the bubonic plague bacterium (Yersinia pestis). and is capable of vectoring other serious diseases to humans.
These minuscule jumpers can be difficult to control as a private citizen and can transmit serious illnesses. Call us to help you rid your property of these nasty biters.
Crickets, Millipedes, and Other Occasional Home Invaders
Crickets, millipedes, red clover mites, earwigs, etc. are considered occasional home invaders. These various insects do not want to be in your home but are likely finding shelter from the elements or are finding some conditions in your home very cozy. These typically do not colonize inside your home can cause allergy issues or create secondary infestations of other pests later on. If you see a couple outdoor insects in the same area of your home, that means they have found an entry point from outside. We can help you with that too! Our monthly and quarterly services help keep these critters outside. We can also seal your home from further intrusions! Call us for for an inspection, insect identification, and rates on insect and rodent exclusion today!
Rats, Mice and Squirrels! Oh My!
Rodents cause billions of dollars of damages in agriculture loss , property damages and health issues across the nation. Prolific breeders, the best approach the handling rodents is an offensive strategy. Setting out bait stations BEFORE they invade your home saves you time and money. Investing in rodent exclusion is considered the best way to keep rodents out. Controlling rodents after an infestation takes a multifaceted approach and much more time. Call us for a proactive approach or to solve an existing issue today.
Ants are incredible creatures, boasting a worldwide biomass larger than that of humans! Of the roughly 700 species that exist in North America, homeowners only have to worry about 25 of them. In South Carolina, there are about half a dozen that are of major concern. Some species only enter the home to escape environmental conditions, but others will make colonies in your walls and damage your home. Prevention is much easier than controlling ants once they have entered your home. Our scheduled services can help you keep ants from becoming your new roommates.
Bees (Apis mellifera) are the horticulturalists of our world, pollinating the world’s plants as they collect nectar for their hive. Unfortunately, climate change, parasites, and disease have caused a considerable burden upon the Honey Bees of the United States. Sometimes, wild honey bees can and will create a hive in your walls or on your property. We will do everything in our power to remove the honey bees without killing them and giving them a productive life with a local Apiary (bee farm). We will take a faster approach if removal options are unavailable or allergies are a concern.
Carpenter Bees can cause significant damage to exposed wood around your home. They do not eat the wood, but rather dig it out to create chambers for their larvae to develop in safely. These can be controlled without harming an entire hive.
Call us for help with any Bee issues today.
Wasps and Hornets
Wasps and hornets can become a major issue anywhere there is a suitable surface protected from the elements. This means the entire easement around your roof can become a wasp harborage. Various species create nests out of paper or mud.
Wasps and hornets can be quite aggressive and may sting as many times as they like until they are no longer threatened. Unlike bees, they do not die after one sting. Allergies to wasp venom are common and can cause a major health issue if you find yourself near a nest.
Don’t delay to have us come to help you as these angry little flying daggers can sometimes find their way into your home if the weather pushes them to seek warmth.