Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of bug is biting me?

Identifying the insect or seeing evidence of an insect is the only way to properly diagnose bites. NO pest control professional or medical expert can tell you what insect is plaguing you by looking at redness, bumps, or itchiness. We can provide you with a best guess based on location of your body, what time of day you were bitten, number of bites, etc. However, the only way to know for sure is to perform a thorough inspection of the home.

Why is my ant problem worse after I tried to treat myself?

A major mistake homeowners make is trying to treat ant infestations by themselves. Store bought sprays can cause an ant colony inside the home to split, creating multiple colonies where there was previously only one. Allow us to determine the ant species intruding in your home and use our knowledge and equipment to efficiently control the ants.

Why am I seeing cockroaches after treatment?

Product applications take time to work. You may see cockroaches after a treatment because they are dying and not acting normally. This means that the treatment is having an effect. Most pest control companies won’t tell you this but you may even see more cockroaches than before the treatment for a brief time. This of course depends on the treatment plan.

How many pests need to be in my home before I call for help?

Zero. You get to decide what your tolerance for pests in your home is. It will always be far easier to prevent pests from infesting your home than controlling an existing infestation. You can call us before there’s a problem or after, that is your choice.

Why do pests bite?

Most pests do not want to be anywhere near you. You just happen to be in their way while they are looking for some of the same things you want; warmth, food and shelter. Some pests like fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and mosquitoes need the protein found in our blood to complete a portion of their life cycles. For instance, male and female bedbugs, ticks, and fleas feed solely on blood for their nourishment whereas mosquitoes only need blood for the development of their eggs and not exclusively as a food source, so only females bite.

Do we have any venomous spiders in the Upstate?

Yes. Technically ALL spiders are venomous, but most pose no threat to human health. Most spiders lack the will or the ability to cause harm to humans. However, there are several species that homeowners in the Upstate should look out for. The brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa), Black Widow spider (Lactrodectus mactans), and Brown Widow spider (Lactrodectus geometricus) are all medically important spiders to humans where bites require medical attention. If ANY spider bites you, regardless of species, seek medical attention as infection may develop.

“I got bit by something. Do you think I should see a doctor?”

YES. Pest control professionals are not qualified medical professionals and CANNOT ethically give you any medical advice. If you are concerned enough to ask, then you should seek medical advice. If you’re bitten by an insect and have captured it for identification, we can help identify the insect.

Are the chemicals you’re using dangerous?

When used correctly and at the proper rates of application, the products we use are not dangerous to humans or pets. Product applications are meant to be applied to areas where the pests will touch, but not the homeowner. Safety is a priority, we will never perform any action or use any product that would pose a danger to anyone.

What products are you using?

Different situations will always call for different products. Sometimes, the easiest fix requires no spraying or baits to be used. We will let you know everything we plan to use prior to applying anything to your property. We also are required to provide you with a report of products applied to your property and quantities of each product. If you have questions about exactly what we will use, we are happy to discuss them prior to or post application.

My child has lice, what can I use to get rid of them?

While there are over the counter lice treatments, we cannot recommend any brand specifically as we consider that medical advice. Lice infestations are considered a medical issue and we cannot provide medical advice other than to say speak to a doctor. Any pest control professional should not be giving medical advice while performing official duties.

What advice we can provide is to collect any bedding, clothing, headgear, or cloth items the afflicted person has come in contact with and wash them. Dry them at a high heat. Head lice typically will not survive more than a few days off the host, but exposing any errant nits or lice to high heat is a great way to make sure any rogues are dead.

We can provide sterilization services or spot treat indoors for any problem or suspect areas.

If you are treating indoors, how long do I have to stay out until it is safe?

We will make every effort to not use treatments that will impose on your schedule. If your issue requires a treatment that states an exclusion time period, we will work with you on scheduling that works for you. Any safety concerns you may have will be discussed prior to treatment.

Is there a smell to what you are using?

Some products have a distinct smell, we typically will not use these products indoors unless they are requested. Some products used are non-repellent or low odor in order to not scare insects away from it, ensuring a larger exposure. We will discuss which products are used or preferred during the initial inspection and treatment plan.

We have Bed Bugs, what can we do?

Like head lice, High Heat in the dryer is a great way to rid your clothing and bedding of Bed bugs. You will need to expose them for a much longer period than lice. Everything should be bagged until this step can be completed. Next, call Buzzkill, we will need to treat the entire room and find every nook and cranny that Bed bugs have made a home in. Treatment duration and visits may depend on the severity of the infestation. This step is meticulous and best done by a trained professional.

During the inspection process we may discover that the Bed bugs are actually Bat bugs. Similar in their appearance and voracity, But bugs will indicate the presence of bats that will need to be removed as well. Don’t worry, we have that covered too.

Can Bed Bugs or Bat Bugs carry disease?

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and Bat bugs (Cimex pilosellus) are not currently associated with any human illnesses though they can become a major nuisance. Bat bugs are usually a secondary infestation brought about by Bats roosting in your home. These Bats can be a health risk and will need to be removed from the home before proper control of Bat bugs can be achieved.

Where did I even get Bed Bugs?

Bed Bugs are expert hitchhikers, don’t feel bad if you find them in your home or on your clothing. It’s not for any reason that you were unlucky enough to have had a close encounter with some at work, on vacation, or at a friend or family member’s house. They can infest communal couches and chairs just as easily as beds.

Are some termites more destructive than others?

Yes. While all termites are not ideal for your home and wooden furniture, Subterranean termites make quick work of the wood they discover in your home. They can cause serious damage in as little as 6 months. The best and cheapest way to protect your home is with a preventative termite barrier.

Do the mosquitoes around my house carry disease?

There are several mosquito species in the Upstate that are capable of vectoring mosquito borne illness. As if mosquitoes weren’t bad enough. No need to panic. Not ALL mosquitoes carry disease, merely capable of transmitting it. Disease prevalence of mosquito transmitted diseases is fairly low but the diseases can be very debilitating. West Nile virus, La Crosse virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and Dirofilaria immitis are all diseases that have corresponding vectors in the Upstate. Protect your family with mosquito repellents with active ingredients of DEET, IR3535, or picaridin and make sure you are protecting your pets with a heartworm pill as prescribed by your vet.

Do mosquitoes prefer a specific Blood type?

This question I receive a lot. The answer is both Yes and No. Lab studies have shown that some mosquito species prefer Type O Blood. However, these studies mainly show preference in the absence of all other attractants that humans possess. Mosquitoes are very attracted to carbon dioxide, heat, and the unique smell that each of our bodies have so reducing mosquito preference to blood type would not be accurate in the real world.

Do I need to be home while you work?

You only need to be at the home if the problem is inside the home. We will only be inside the home at your discretion. If we need to use a treatment that requires you to be outside the home for a duration of time, we will only begin when you are outside the home. This will be discussed during the inspection process. During scheduled monthly or quarterly perimeter treatments, you do not need to be home unless you need to bring an animal inside.

Do I need to bring my dog inside while you spray?

Yes. We will not enter a yard that has a dog loose in it. NO Exceptions. While we love and own dogs ourselves; We don’t know your dog. More importantly, your dog doesn’t know us. This policy is both for our and your pet’s safety.